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Reconstruction and new construction of the Lithuanian Theatre, Music, and Film Museum building

Project value ~ 8.2M
Completion deadline Q3, 2023
Client Lithuanian Theatre, Music, and Film Museum

About the client

The Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Film Museum in Vilnius is a cultural educational institution that collects, preserves, and promotes art and creative material of Lithuanian artists. The museum was founded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.

In 1962, it was established in Kaunas and was then known as the Theatre Seminar Museum of the University of Lithuania, and later, during the period of 1936-1944, as the State Theatre Museum. Alas, during World War II, the museum’s activities ceased. In 1957, the museum was renamed the Museum of the Lithuanian Theatre Society (Actors’ House), and from 1964 to 1992 it was the Theatre and Music Department of the Lithuanian Art Museum. In 1992, it was renamed as the Lithuanian Theatre, Music, and Cinema Museum.

In 1996, a decision was made to adapt the former Small Radvilos Palace, where the public theatre of Vilnius City operated from 1795 to 1810, for this museum. The palace is believed to have been designed by the Swiss-Italian architect Costante Tencalla from north Italy.

Infes work

Reconstruction of one of the buildings of the Small Radvilos Palace complex and the construction of a new wing. The reconstructed building was renovated by replacing old, leaking roofs, installing a warm facade and new doors and windows.

Landscaping works were also carried out around the building and the interior was fully renovated by adopting modern solutions. Fire extinguishing, security, and ventilation systems were designed and installed. The surviving masonry fragments of the old buildings were restored and can be viewed by the museum’s visitors.


The renovation resulted in a warmer, more functional, and modern building, which will make the visitors’ experience of visiting the museum more comfortable and convenient.


Some of the photos in the gallery are by Zenonas Nekrošius

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